Teaching Arabic to Non-Arabic Speaking Teachers: A Small Initiative with Great Gains

جريدة الفجر 0 تعليق ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف


For over ten years، I have had the experience of teaching some of my German colleagues’ Arabic through free courses. These lessons were not merely an opportunity to learn new vocabulary but a window into our rich cultural heritage and the essence of our authentic identity.

It was inspiring to see and hear my colleagues greet each other in Arabic for the first time and engage in simple conversations. This interaction، though modest، built a bridge of love، understanding، and cultural and human closeness. It also instilled a sense of pride among Arab students as they saw their teachers speaking their language and encouraged non-Arab students to explore Arabic، following the example of their teachers.

Challenges Open the Door to Ideas:

Despite the individual success of this experience، clear challenges emerged، the most prominent being the limited time and the daily pressures teachers face. I recall a comment from one of my German colleagues who could not join the course، saying: "If this opportunity were available during work hours، I would definitely join، and it would make a significant difference in my professional experience in an Arab-speaking and culturally rich country."

Her words sparked the idea: why not turn these individual initiatives into an official program and a sustainable institutional model implemented in private schools for all non-Arabic-
speaking teachers?

From an Idea to Reality and Tangible Impact:

Imagine if every non-Arabic-speaking teacher in the UAE had the opportunity to learn Arabic as part of their daily work. This would bring about a fundamental shift in the status of the Arabic language in schools، transforming it into a living language for all members of the school community. It would serve as a source of strengthening national identity، inspiring students to learn Arabic more effectively، and offering non-Arabic-speaking teachers a unique opportunity for linguistic and professional development.

The Initiative's Impact on Society (in Numbers):

If this initiative were implemented in Dubai alone، which hosts 220 private schools employing nearly 32،000 teachers who educate about 377،000 students، it would reflect enormous potential to expand the usage of Arabic. It would be introduced as an effective tool for linguistic and cultural communication both within and beyond the school environment، positively impacting Arab and non-Arab students، their families، and the surrounding community.

Implementation and Expansion Strategy:

To ensure the success of this initiative، it could be piloted in collaboration with educational authorities such as:

  • Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) in Dubai
  • Department of Education and Knowledge (ADEK) in Abu Dhabi
  • Sharjah Private Education Authority (SPEA)
  • Ras Al Khaimah Education Authority، among others

Existing curricula that balance language and culture can be utilized، with Arabic teachers in each school tasked with training their non-Arabic-speaking colleagues. Arab students can also be involved to promote mutual cultural dialogue within the school.

A Call for Change and the UAE’s Leading Role:

The UAE has always been a pioneer in supporting the Arabic language through strategic initiatives such as the Arab Reading Challenge and the Language Protection Law. Today، we are in an ideal position to continue this leadership by implementing a unique initiative to enhance the status of the Arabic language locally and globally، paving the way for a new generation to experience its beauty and significance.

In Conclusion:

We can transform this dream into a tangible reality، where Arabic becomes part of the daily lives of every teacher and student، serving as a tool for communication، coexistence، and cultural closeness. Let us begin implementing this idea now and collaborate to create a community where hearts and cultures unite through the Arabic language.



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